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Know Your Rights Following A Slip-And-Fall Accident

Ohio laws require property owners to maintain conditions that prevent guests and other individuals from suffering injuries due to known hazards or to warn visitors of known hazards while they exist. When accidents still occur, Klein & Carney Co., LLC is the representation you need.

Slip-and-fall and trip-and-fall accidents are among the most common examples of accidents that result in serious bodily harm, including broken bones, head trauma and other severe injuries. If you or someone you love was the victim of a preventable accident on someone else’s property, we can help determine if the negligent party can be held accountable.

If your injury was caused by the negligence of a property owner, you may be entitled to compensation. We will gain a thorough understanding of the facts of your case and the extent of your injuries.

Examples of slip-and-fall accident cases include:

We Understand The Duty Of Property Owners Under Ohio Law

If a property owner failed to warn of the hazardous conditions that caused the accident, he or she may be held liable.

Slip-and-fall accident cases are not always limited to failure to warn of dangerous conditions. They can also be brought in instances where a property owner fails to provide adequate security and this failure results in bodily harm.

For example, someone may have been assaulted because a landlord failed to fix a broken security door or light a dark staircase. In addition to a claim against the landlord, an assault, or any type of injury caused by criminal conduct, can give rise to a victim of crime claim. These claims are handled by Klein & Carney Co., LLC, without any fee to the victim.

You should understand that insurance adjusters, though friendly and congenial, do not have your best interests in mind. In fact, that is part of the philosophy of the insurance industry — to do as much as they can to prevent the injured individual from seeking legal help or to get them to accept a minimal settlement.

No matter what the circumstances, please consult with an attorney prior to speaking with or accepting an offer from the insurance company.

Prompt Action Is Important

At Klein & Carney Co., LLC, we provide comprehensive and personalized service to every client, from the initial filing of a claim through its resolution. Immediate action is key since we may want to photograph evidence of the dangerous conditions and/or speak with witnesses.

Call 216-502-3947, or use our online contact form to schedule a free initial consultation. Our attorneys are available for a free telephone consultation 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Larry S. Klein and Christopher J. Carney