Most drivers in Ohio recognize that other people frequently break traffic laws. Even those who have already exceeded the speed limit may find that others pass them on the freeway, and those approaching four-way stops may end up frustrated or confused if someone speeds...
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Tips for staying safe when driving near semi-trucks
Sharing the road with semi-trucks can be an intimidating experience for many Ohio motorists. The sheer size and weight these commercial vehicles possess demand extra caution and awareness from drivers to ensure everyone's safety. Avoid blind spots Trucks have large...
It’s vital to diagnose a concussion after being in a car wreck
Getting into a motor vehicle accident in Ohio can shake you up physically and mentally. Knowing how to handle this situation calmly is essential. After the wreck, it's best if a medical professional checks each individual involved in the incident. They can recognize...
The most common types of bone fractures caused by MVAs
As hard as people try to avoid them, automobile accidents happen daily throughout Ohio. While you know that car accidents often cause injuries, you might be unaware of how common bone fractures are after these stressful events. It's common for post-accident bone...
When to rest while on a road trip
Fatigued and distracted driving are two of the most common reasons why accidents occur in Ohio and throughout the country. Therefore, if you are planning to take a long road trip this summer, build time into your travel itinerary for rest breaks. There are many...
Proving who’s negligent and at fault in drunk driving accidents
Ohio is a beautiful state that many people love to call home. Sadly, there is always the risk of accidents while on the road. While many factors cause motor vehicle collisions, people driving under the influence of alcohol are responsible for their fair share of...
Don’t expect these car insurance companies to pay your claims
In Ohio and other states, auto insurance companies broadcast humorous and feel-good images on TV and social media, leading customers to think that insurers will care about taking care of them should they get into an accident. Public court documents and research from...
Why do women face higher risks of serious injuries from crashes?
The vast majority of Ohio motorists try to drive as safely as possible to avoid car accidents. However, they can still happen and lead to catastrophic results. It has been found that women carry a much higher risk of serious injuries in these types of incidents....
Correlation between car crashes and Daylight Saving Time in Ohio
Cleveland, Ohio residents know how hard it can be to drive in lake effect snow under normal conditions. But, it gets a little trickier when our routine changes due to the daylight savings time change. A study recently found that fatalmotor vehicle accidents spiked by...
Noticing distracted drivers
Distracted driving has become a significant problem on Ohio roads. Throughout the United States, accident statistics revealed that distracted drivers cause numerous fatal accidents. Although someone might be very careful behind the wheel, there is nothing they can do...