Dogs are wonderful companions, but it is imperative to remember that they are animals and can bite if they feel threatened, scared or are trained to be aggressive. Dog bites can cause serious injuries and can even be fatal in extreme cases, making it necessary for...
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Dog bites and scarring: What you need to know
Disfigurement is one of the most common severe consequences of a dog bite attack against a child. When dogs become violent toward people, sometimes, they cause fatal injuries. Other times, they can break bones and cause massive blood loss for serious infections. Such...
Dog bites: Does Ohio allow “one free bite?”
You have reason to be cautious when you come into close contact with a dog. It is estimated there are more than 4.5 million dog bites annually in the United States. Dog bites can be severe, even fatal. In an average year, approximately 40 people in the U.S. die each...