For various private and public establishments, making necessary investments to help ensure premises security can make a world of difference. The Ohio Revised Code, Section 3752.07, requires enterprises to secure their establishments against unauthorized entry.
Of course, what constitutes adequate security can differ based on the particulars of any particular facility. What does it look like when a property owner or manager fails to implement adequate measures to help protect people and property from foreseeable criminal acts or hazardous situations?
Untrained security personnel
Hiring security personnel is an essential element of premises security for most private and public establishments. However, this wouldn’t make that much of a difference if the security guards weren’t properly trained to contain hazardous situations or intercept foreseeable criminal acts. Inadequate training can lead to avoidable mishandling, potentially increasing the risk of harm to individuals and property.
Lack of surveillance equipment
Various establishments can benefit from installing security cameras to monitor and deter unauthorized activities. Yet, many property managers overlook this security requirement completely or neglect to replace damaged or malfunctioning cameras. Properly functioning cameras can be essential for premise liability cases because they capture real-time footage and provide evidence in the event of an incident.
Malfunctioning alarm systems
Alarm systems should be a must-have for most public and private facilities because they can detect and respond to unauthorized entries. Systems are automated but require regular maintenance to help ensure they’re functional. Unfortunately, some facilities neglect to repair broken alarm systems. As a result, these useful systems can no longer detect break-ins or alert occupants during fires or other hazardous situations.
Inadequate fire safety measures
Fire safety should be one of the most fundamental components of a facility’s overall security plan. However, some facilities continue to operate with missing or faulty smoke detectors and fire alarms. Such oversight can have devastating consequences in the event of a fire. Regular inspections and maintenance of fire safety equipment are essential to help ensure the safety of occupants.
Faulty locks and inadequate lighting
Lockable doors are the first lines of defense against unauthorized access. Doors without locks, with broken locks or with easily bypassed locking mechanisms are clear signs of negligent security. Additionally, inadequate lighting around the premises, especially in entryways and parking areas, can create opportunities for criminal activities.
Improper handling of security keys
Lockable doors and security keys go hand-in-hand. Failure to manage security keys properly beats the purpose of having advanced locking mechanisms. Unauthorized duplication of keys, failure to retrieve keys from former employees or lack of a proper key management system can lead to unauthorized access and potential security breaches.
When a premises owner or manager exposes occupants to danger due to negligent security practices, they can be held liable for premises liability. Victims who were put in harm’s way can benefit from learning more about how the laws apply to their situation.