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Typical scenarios for slip-and-fall accidents in the elderly

On Behalf of | Dec 6, 2022 | Blog, Injuries |

Everyone is at risk of a fall but older individuals suffer more lasting consequences than their younger counterparts. Bruises take longer to heal, and a broken hip may lead to a lengthy rehabilitation stay in a nursing home. Here are the most frequent types of falls seniors experience in Ohio.

Types of falls

Most senior slip-and-fall accidents happen inside their home, with perhaps 30% occurring in other locations. Here’s a brief summary of likely scenarios.

First floor of a home

Elderly falls most commonly occur in a living room or first-floor bedroom. Surprisingly, they only happen in bathrooms 13 percent of the time, according to one estimate. While this room has the slipperiest surfaces in a home, it usually has rugs and bathtub mats that lessen the likelihood of someone slipping on soapy water.


As you might expect, stairs are dangerous for older individuals whose reaction times may have slowed over the years. While many public stairs have rails, a senior might not respond in time to grab them to prevent a fall.


Difficulty pulling oneself out of a chair could result in a loss of balance and a subsequent tumble. Grogginess upon waking can have the same effect when getting out of bed.


Sidewalks are a danger zone for senior citizens. They are often uneven, with some cement blocks sitting at a different height than others due to root encroachments or the heaving that results from temperature extremes. Winter ice on unsalted sidewalks sends many elderly patients to the emergency room every year. Courts may hold negligent homeowners liable for damages if someone slips and injures themself on their icy sidewalk.

Prevent the likelihood of a fall by paying attention to your surroundings, rising slowly and walking cautiously on uncertain terrain.
