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What are catastrophic injuries?

On Behalf of | Aug 27, 2019 | Wrongful Death |

It can be easy to sustain serious injuries in an accident, especially in a pedestrian or motor vehicle collision or other major mishap. However, there are differences between serious injuries from which you eventually recover and injuries that are classified as catastrophic. Catastrophic injuries are, in fact, those that may be considered life-threatening. At the law office of Klein & Carney Co., LLC, we are prepared to represent the rights of Ohio residents who are suffering from catastrophic injuries, or the family members of those who lost their lives after an accident.

According to FindLaw, catastrophic injuries involve those that would be life-changing or could result in death several months or years later. A catastrophic injury can also be immediately fatal. Such injuries may include the following:

  • A traumatic brain injury after a tool falls on your head from a construction site
  • Internal injuries or significant skin abrasions from a motorcycle accident
  • Third-degree burns from a house fire
  • Blood loss and disfigurement from a dog attack

Understandably, you may want to seek compensation if your catastrophic injuries are impacting your daily life. However, this is not your only option. As our page on wrongful death explains, you may be entitled to seek damages on behalf of a loved one who was killed in a catastrophic accident. Wrongful death may include compensation for medical expenses related to the accident, as well as pain and suffering and wages that would have been earned for the family, had your loved one still been alive.
