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Winter car accident? Here is what you need in your car

On Behalf of | Oct 8, 2018 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Ohio weather has already started to cool down, which means that snow could be just around the corner. Driving in severe winter weather can be dangerous, and many people do not have adequate materials in their vehicle to help them stay safe if they are ever in a winter emergency.

Statistics show car crashes injure over 115,000 people due to snowy, slushy or icy roads each winter. This following list will help you know what to pack in your car today so that you are prepared in the event of an accident this winter.

Items to keep in your car in case of winter emergency

Imagine this: While attempting to slow down in traffic, another car slides on the icy roads into the back of your vehicle. Your car slides into the guard rail and because it is so snowy, you can’t get out. This list includes things that will aid you while either waiting for a tow service or emergency aid:

  • Help you communicate: Cellphone, charger and a radio station for local weather
  • Help other cars see you: Flares, warning triangles, antenna flags
  • Help keep you warm: Thick coat, hat, gloves, extra set of clothes, blanket
  • Help if you are stuck: Shovel, window scraper, tow rope/chain, sand or salt
  • Other items: water, snacks, first aid kit, jumper cables

You never know when you will be in a situation where an extra set of clothes or tow rope may come in handy. By stocking your car with a winter emergency kit, you are doing yourself a favor by making sure you are safe while waiting for rescue.
