When you take to the Ohio roadway this summer, you may notice that there are far more teen drivers sharing the road with you than there typically are during the school year. Because teen drivers are generally much more inexperienced than other drivers, this can be a dangerous time for people across all age groups to be on the road. At Klein & Carney Co., LLC, we recognize the increased danger motorists face during what has been dubbed driving’s “100 deadliest days,” and we have helped many motorists who suffered injury because of other drivers’ actions seek appropriate recourse.
Per the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, the “100 deadliest days” refer to the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day, when state roadways see a 15-percent increase in the number of fatal teen crashes occurring on them. Teen drivers, and particularly those who are 16 and 17 years old, are substantially more likely than older drivers to get into crashes, both fatal and otherwise.
In fact, 16 and 17-year-old teens are almost four times as likely as drivers 18 and older to get into a car crash, and they are 2.6 times more likely than drivers over 18 to get into a crash that results in a fatality. Compared with drivers between the ages of 30 and 59, 16 and 17-year-olds are 4.5 times more likely to get into a crash, and they are also 3.2 times more likely to get into a crash that results in a death.
While inexperience is an undeniable contributor to the number of deaths that result during summer’s deadliest days, certain driving behaviors that are common among teens also play a role. Speeding, for example, is a factor in almost 30 percent of fatal accidents involving teens. Distracted driving, too, is a main contributor, with about six out of every 10 crashes involving teens involving some type of driver distraction. Find more about car accidents on our web page.